Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 85 130 65.3

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
976 1 2 $no{$ns} and next
1026 2 2 $no{$ns} and next

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
195 10 26 2 not @specials and keys %do == 1
200 0 0 2 defined $values && defined $values->{$take}
234 4 0 1 not $@ and @d
253 12 2 0 @pairs == 2 and not ref $pairs[1]
286 343 97 11 $min == 0 and $max eq 'unbounded'
307 343 9 88 $min == 0 and $max == 1
309 10 1 341 $min == 1 and $max == 1
323 12 0 20 @values and @d < $max
336 244 9 14 $min == 0 and $max eq 'unbounded'
364 239 4 5 $min == 0 and $max == 1
379 3 1 1 $@->wasFatal('class', 'misfit') and $starter == keys %$values
386 4 7 232 $min == 1 and $max == 1
403 2 1 7 @values >= $min and @values <= $max
443 0 1 2 defined $ret and $ret->textContent eq $fixed
468 0 1 1 defined $_[1] && $_[1] ne $default
519 226 5 5 $is_nillable && (delete $copy->{'_'} || '') eq 'NIL'
547 460 0 0 UNIVERSAL::isa($child, 'XML::LibXML::Text') and $child->data eq ''
580 8 0 1 $is_nillable and $content eq 'NIL'
656 0 0 1 &blessed($content) and $content->isa('XML::LibXML::Node')
0 0 0 $is_nillable and $content eq 'NIL'
710 0 0 1 ref $_ && $_->isa('XML::LibXML::Node')
730 483 5 10 $is_nillable && $data eq 'NIL'
763 0 11 492 defined $value and &$check($value)
795 0 0 8 defined $list and length $list
898 0 1 1 defined $value and $value eq $default
1077 0 0 6 ref $values eq 'HASH' and $values->{'XSI_TYPE'}
1191 0 0 1 $type and $r
0 0 1 $type and $r and UNIVERSAL::isa($r, 'XML::LibXML::Element')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
975 1 2 $yes{$ns} or next
1004 3 2 $handler ||= 'SKIP_ALL'
1025 2 2 $yes{$ns} or next

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
190 12 0 77 ref $do eq 'BLOCK' or ref $do eq 'ANY'
271 2 0 33 ref $do eq 'BLOCK' || ref $do eq 'ANY'
513 0 0 0 ref $data || $data
603 0 9 0 $node or @childs
604 0 9 0 $node ||= $doc->createElement($tag)
632 1 0 0 @attrs or @anya
738 0 0 467 ref $value eq 'ARRAY' or ref $value eq 'HASH'
766 0 28 0 not defined $_[1] or &$check($_[1])
803 12 74 1 @$early or @$late
1046 2 0 0 $max eq 'unbounded' or @res <= $max
1095 6 1 2 $before or $replace
7 2 0 $before or $replace or $after