Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1 132 0.7

line true false branch
92 0 4 unless eval 'utf8->can("is_utf8") && *is_utf8 = \\&utf8::is_utf8' or eval 'use Encode "is_utf8"; 1' or eval 'sub is_utf8 { 0 }; 1'
101 0 0 if (defined $str) { }
126 0 0 if (&is_utf8($str)) { }
146 0 0 unless (&is_utf8($str))
154 0 0 if (length $input == 0)
177 0 0 if (defined $value) { }
193 0 0 if (defined $xid and $xid eq 'None') { }
203 0 0 if ($X->{'do_interp'} and $xid == 0) { }
213 0 0 unless (defined $root)
241 0 0 if ($count++ > 50)
248 0 0 unless (ref $ret)
254 0 0 if ($attr{'map_state'} ne 'Viewable')
265 0 0 unless (ref $ret)
270 0 0 if ($type)
277 0 0 if (ref $ret)
313 0 0 unless ref $ret[0]
316 0 0 if (my $vroot = unpack('L', $value))
330 0 0 if (defined $instance) { }
367 0 0 if (@_ and not defined $_[0])
380 0 0 if ($atom != 31)
385 0 0 if ($value eq "\000")
404 0 0 unless (defined $root)
414 0 0 if ($format == 32) { }
447 0 0 if ($format == 32) { }
482 0 0 if (delete $hint{'message'})
485 0 0 if (delete $hint{'urgency'})
492 0 0 if (defined $hint{$key})
544 0 0 unless (defined $value)
549 0 0 if ($flags & $bit)
554 0 0 if ($flags & 128)
557 0 0 if ($flags & 256)
594 0 0 if (@_) { }
606 0 0 $_ =~ /^\d+$/ ? :
624 0 0 if (defined $wmstate and defined(my $num = $wmstate{$wmstate}))
641 0 0 if ($X->{'do_interp'} and defined(my $str = $wmstate[$num]))
692 0 0 if ($format == 32) { }
816 0 0 if (defined $hint{$key}) { }
840 0 0 if (exists $input_mode_num{$input_mode}) { }
862 0 0 if ($format == 32) { }
874 0 0 if (@_ < 3)
911 0 0 unless (defined $state)
914 0 0 if ($state =~ /^\d+$/)
917 0 0 unless ($state =~ /^_NET_WM_STATE_/)
941 0 0 if ($action =~ /^\d+$/)
945 0 0 if (defined $num)
960 0 0 unless (defined $source)
963 0 0 if ($source =~ /^\d+$/)
967 0 0 if (defined $num)
984 0 0 if (%h)
1013 0 0 if (not defined $window_type or $window_type =~ /^\d+$/) { }
1084 0 0 if (defined $hint{$key}) { }
1108 0 0 if (defined(my $aspect = $$hint{"${which}_aspect"})) { }
1121 0 0 if ($aspect =~ /^\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif (($num, $den) = $aspect =~ m[(.*)/(.*)]) { }
1133 0 0 if ($num =~ /^0*(\d*)\.(\d*?)0*$/)
1138 0 0 if ($den =~ /^0*(\d*)\.(\d*?)0*$/)
1143 0 0 if ($den_zeros > 0)
1146 0 0 if ($den_zeros < 0)
1150 0 0 if ($num == $num - 1)
1151 0 0 $den == $den - 1 ? :
1154 0 0 if ($den == $den - 1)
1159 0 0 if ($num >= $den and $num > 2147483647)
1163 0 0 if ($den > 2147483647)
1187 0 0 if ($nz and $x == 0) { }
1200 0 0 if ($nz and $y == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($y > 2147483647) { }