Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 72 140 51.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
60 0 0 0 defined $new and ref $new eq ref []
140 42 2 6 $sPos eq 'n' and $sType eq 'plural'
9 27 8 $sPos eq 'v' and $sType eq 'present_3rd_person'
9 25 2 $sPos eq 'v' and $sType eq 'past_tense'
9 17 8 $sPos eq 'v' and $sType eq 'past_participle'
9 6 11 $sPos eq 'v' and $sType eq 'present_participle'
8 4 3 $sPos eq 'adj' and $sType eq 'comparative'
8 0 4 $sPos eq 'adj' and $sType eq 'superlative'
150 0 0 14 $self->is_special_cased('woman') and not $sInf =~ /^[[:upper:]]/
152 0 0 14 $self->is_special_cased('man') and not $sInf =~ /^[[:upper:]]/
154 0 0 14 $self->is_special_cased('person') and not $sInf =~ /^[[:upper:]]/
156 0 0 14 $self->is_special_cased('child') and not $sInf =~ /^[[:upper:]]/
250 4 6 0 $sPos eq 'n' and $sTokens[-1] =~ /^O['\x{2019}]/
10 0 0 $sPos eq 'n' and $sTokens[-1] =~ /^O['\x{2019}]/ and defined $sTokens[-2]
6 0 0 $sPos eq 'n' and $sTokens[-1] =~ /^O['\x{2019}]/ and defined $sTokens[-2] and $self->is_special_cased(q[O'])
4 6 0 $sPos eq 'n' and $sTokens[-1] =~ /^[Gg]eneral/
10 0 0 $sPos eq 'n' and $sTokens[-1] =~ /^[Gg]eneral/ and defined $sTokens[-2]
6 0 0 $sPos eq 'n' and $sTokens[-1] =~ /^[Gg]eneral/ and defined $sTokens[-2] and $self->is_special_cased('general')
4 6 0 $sPos eq 'n' and $sTokens[-1] =~ /(.*)-in-law/
10 0 0 $sPos eq 'n' and $sTokens[-1] =~ /(.*)-in-law/ and $self->is_special_cased('-in-law')
4 6 0 $sPos eq 'n' and $sTokens[-1] eq 'law'
10 0 0 $sPos eq 'n' and $sTokens[-1] eq 'law' and defined $sTokens[-2]
6 0 0 $sPos eq 'n' and $sTokens[-1] eq 'law' and defined $sTokens[-2] and $sTokens[-2] eq 'in'
0 0 0 $sPos eq 'n' and $sTokens[-1] eq 'law' and defined $sTokens[-2] and $sTokens[-2] eq 'in' and defined $sTokens[-3]
0 0 0 $sPos eq 'n' and $sTokens[-1] eq 'law' and defined $sTokens[-2] and $sTokens[-2] eq 'in' and defined $sTokens[-3] and $self->is_special_cased('-in-law')
4 5 1 $sPos eq 'n' and defined $sTokens[-3]
9 0 1 $sPos eq 'n' and defined $sTokens[-3] and $sTokens[-2] =~ /\bof\b/
5 0 1 $sPos eq 'n' and defined $sTokens[-3] and $sTokens[-2] =~ /\bof\b/ and $self->is_special_cased('of')
4 5 0 $sPos eq 'n' and defined $sTokens[-4]
9 0 0 $sPos eq 'n' and defined $sTokens[-4] and $sTokens[-3] =~ /\bof\b/
5 0 0 $sPos eq 'n' and defined $sTokens[-4] and $sTokens[-3] =~ /\bof\b/ and $sTokens[-2] =~ /\bthe\b/
0 0 0 $sPos eq 'n' and defined $sTokens[-4] and $sTokens[-3] =~ /\bof\b/ and $sTokens[-2] =~ /\bthe\b/ and $self->is_special_cased('of')
4 5 0 $sPos eq 'n' and defined $sTokens[-3]
9 0 0 $sPos eq 'n' and defined $sTokens[-3] and $sTokens[-2] =~ /\bin\b/
5 0 0 $sPos eq 'n' and defined $sTokens[-3] and $sTokens[-2] =~ /\bin\b/ and $self->is_special_cased('in')
4 5 0 $sPos eq 'n' and defined $sTokens[-4]
9 0 0 $sPos eq 'n' and defined $sTokens[-4] and $sTokens[-3] =~ /\bin\b/
5 0 0 $sPos eq 'n' and defined $sTokens[-4] and $sTokens[-3] =~ /\bin\b/ and $sTokens[-2] =~ /\bthe\b/
0 0 0 $sPos eq 'n' and defined $sTokens[-4] and $sTokens[-3] =~ /\bin\b/ and $sTokens[-2] =~ /\bthe\b/ and $self->is_special_cased('in')
0 2 2 $sPos eq 'adj' and $#sTokens == 0
0 1 1 $sPos eq 'adj' and $$args{'type'} eq 'comparative'
0 0 1 $sPos eq 'adj' and $$args{'type'} eq 'superlative'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
246 13 11 $$args{'inflect'} ||= \&irregular_inflection

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
123 1 1 0 $sPos ||= $self->pos_from_type($sType)
140 6 0 44 $sPos eq 'n' and $sType eq 'plural' or $sPos eq 'v' and $sType eq 'present_3rd_person'
2 0 34 $sPos eq 'v' and $sType eq 'past_tense' or $sPos eq 'v' and $sType eq 'past_participle'
219 22 0 0 $sPos ||= pos_from_type($sType)