Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 32 59.3

line true false branch
20 1 5 unless defined $self->destination or defined $self->circuit
21 1 7 if defined $self->circuit and defined $self->destination
22 1 6 if not defined $self->destination and scalar @{$self->circuit;} == 0
23 1 5 if not defined $self->circuit and $self->destination eq ''
32 4 5 if (@_ == 2)
41 1 0 if (@_ == 2)
55 1 0 if (@_ == 2)
72 0 0 if ($hosttocheck =~ /(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}/) { }
79 0 0 if ($h = gethost $hosttocheck) { }
99 3 0 if ($hosttocheck =~ /(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}/) { }
105 0 0 if ($h = gethost $hosttocheck) { }
120 0 4 defined $self->destination ? :
136 0 2 if (defined $self->destination) { }
145 2 0 if (exists $$tracert_result{"$iptocheck"}) { }
146 1 1 if ("$iptocheck" eq $$tracert_result{"$iptocheck"}{'HOPS'}[-1]{'IPADRESS'}) { }
169 0 1 if (defined $self->destination) { }