Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 10 28 35.7

line true false branch
95 9 0 if ($class eq 'WebService::ISBNDB::Agent')
98 5 4 unless $class = $class->class_for_protocol($proto)
105 4 0 $proto ? :
128 0 4 if $$args{'useragent'} and not ref $$args{'useragent'} && $$args{'useragent'}->isa('LWP::UserAgent')
131 0 4 if $$args{'agent_args'} and ref $$args{'agent_args'} ne 'HASH'
158 5 0 unless ($useragent)
189 0 0 unless not defined $agent or ref $agent and $agent->isa('LWP::UserAgent')
226 0 2 unless $pack
257 1 1 if grep(($_ eq $proto), 'REST')
466 0 0 if ($obj->isa('WebService::ISBNDB::API')) { }
0 0 elsif (my $tmp = 'WebService::ISBNDB::API'->class_for_type($obj)) { }
531 0 0 unless $method
534 0 0 unless $uri
543 0 0 if $response->is_error