Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 34 100.0

line true false branch
40 1 58 if ref $res eq 'ARRAY' and @{$res;} == 1 and ref $res->[0] eq 'CODE'
48 4 629 if ref $try eq 'ARRAY'
49 92 537 if (ref $try eq 'HASH')
55 90 438 unless @result and defined $result[0]
59 243 193 if (my $res = $self->_have_result($first, \@result, \@match, $env))
75 228 210 if (ref $first eq 'ARRAY') { }
7 203 elsif (&blessed($first) and $first->isa('Plack::Middleware')) { }
5 198 elsif (ref $first eq 'HASH' and $$first{MAGIC_MIDDLEWARE_KEY()}) { }
5 194 elsif (&blessed($first) and not $first->can('to_app') and not $first->isa('Web::Dispatch::Matcher')) { }
97 2 5 if @{$results;} > 1
123 480 57 if (ref $try eq 'CODE') { }
4 53 elsif (not ref $try and ref $more->[0] eq 'CODE' || $more->[0] && !ref($more->[0]) && $self->dispatch_object && $self->dispatch_object->can($more->[0])) { }
42 11 elsif (&blessed($try) and $try->isa('Web::Dispatch::Matcher') and ref $more->[0] eq 'CODE') { }
7 4 elsif (&blessed($try) and $try->can('to_app')) { }
124 132 348 if (defined(my $proto = prototype $try)) { }
149 136 42 unless ref $args{'match'}
150 177 1 if (my $obj = $self->dispatch_object)