Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 34 36 94.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
40 1 57 4 ref $res eq 'ARRAY' and @{$res;} == 1
58 1 3 ref $res eq 'ARRAY' and @{$res;} == 1 and ref $res->[0] eq 'CODE'
55 89 1 448 @result and defined $result[0]
75 178 29 7 &blessed($first) and $first->isa('Plack::Middleware')
108 94 5 ref $first eq 'HASH' and $$first{MAGIC_MIDDLEWARE_KEY()}
173 1 28 &blessed($first) and not $first->can('to_app')
174 23 5 &blessed($first) and not $first->can('to_app') and not $first->isa('Web::Dispatch::Matcher')
123 51 6 0 not ref $try and ref $more->[0] eq 'CODE' || $more->[0] && !ref($more->[0]) && $self->dispatch_object && $self->dispatch_object->can($more->[0])
2 8 43 &blessed($try) and $try->isa('Web::Dispatch::Matcher')
10 1 42 &blessed($try) and $try->isa('Web::Dispatch::Matcher') and ref $more->[0] eq 'CODE'
2 2 7 &blessed($try) and $try->can('to_app')

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
123 3 0 3 ref $more->[0] eq 'CODE' || $more->[0] && !ref($more->[0]) && $self->dispatch_object && $self->dispatch_object->can($more->[0])