Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 11 14 78.5

line true false branch
59 1 1 if ($self->authenticated and $max_time and time > $self->updated + $max_time)
77 0 6 unless &is_arrayref($msg)
87 1 2 $self->_mid && exists $self->messages->{$self->_mid} ? :
96 1 2 if $mid = $self->_mid and $msg = delete $self->messages->{$mid}
100 1 1 if $mid = $req->query_params->('mid', {'optional', 1}) and $msg = delete $self->messages->{$mid}
108 0 1 unless my $mid = $req->query_params->('mid', {'optional', 1})
114 0 3 if $key gt $mid