Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 66 30.3

line true false branch
176 12 0 if (@_)
177 0 12 $_[0] ? :
251 0 9 if $self->loggedin
260 0 0 if (my($error) = $w->res->content =~ m[ \\ \s+ (.*?) \s+ \<\/b\>\<\/font\>\<\/td\>\<\/tr\>\<\/table\> ]msx) { }
278 0 0 if ($w->content =~ m[ window\.location\.replace\(\"http\:\/\/groups\.yahoo\.com\/\"\)\; ]x) { }
291 9 0 if ($@)
292 9 0 unless ref $@
293 0 0 if $@->fatal
333 3 0 unless $self->loggedin
340 0 0 unless $w->follow('Sign Out')
356 3 0 if ($@)
357 0 3 unless ref $@
358 0 3 if $@->fatal
378 0 18 if (exists $$self{'WWW::Yahoo::Groups-loggedin'} and $$self{'WWW::Yahoo::Groups-loggedin'})
408 3 1 if (@_)
412 2 0 if defined $_[0]
415 3 0 if defined $_[0]
444 1 0 unless $self->loggedin
464 0 0 if (my $url = $w->find_link('text', 'Next'))
494 0 0 unless defined $list and length $list
509 0 0 unless defined $first
521 0 0 unless exists $$self{'first'}
548 0 0 unless exists $$self{'last'}
602 1 0 unless defined $list and length $list
618 0 0 if ($w->uri =~ m[/interrupt\?st]gms)
628 0 0 if ($content =~ m[
\s+ \QMessage $number does not exist in $list\E
642 0 0 unless $content =~ s/ ^ .*? \<\!\-\-\ start\ content\ include\ \-\-\> //sx and $content =~ s/ \<\!\-\-\ end\ content\ include\ \-\-\> .* $ //sx and $content =~ s/ ^ .*? ]+> .*? //sx and $content =~ s/
\n /\n/gx and $content =~ s[
.* $ ][\n]sx and $content =~ s[ ([^<]+) ][$self->_check_protected($1, $2);]egx 699 0 0 unless defined $body 728 2 3 if $_[0] =~ /^ (?!0+$) \d+ $/x 734 0 0 unless defined $list and length $list 738 0 0 if $opts{'count'} 742 0 0 unless $content =~ /^ \<\?xml\ version\=\"1\.0\"\ \?\> \s* \ \s* \ /sx 765 13 47 @_ ? :