Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 26 73.0

line true false branch
24 0 1 if @_ & 1
46 0 1 unless defined $id
51 0 1 if $id =~ /\D/
66 1 0 if ($response->is_success) { }
88 0 41 if ($t->is_start_tag('textarea') and defined $t->get_attr('name') and $t->get_attr('name') eq 'transcription') { }
1 40 elsif ($t->is_start_tag('td')) { }
1 39 elsif ($nav{'look_for_p'} == 1 and $t->is_text and $t->as_is =~ /Here's the transcription for this comic/) { }
1 38 elsif ($nav{'look_for_p'} == 2 and $t->is_start_tag('p')) { }
7 31 elsif ($nav{'is_p'} and $t->is_text) { }
6 25 elsif ($nav{'is_p'} and $t->is_start_tag('BR')) { }
1 24 elsif ($nav{'is_p'} and $t->is_end_tag('p')) { }
0 24 elsif ($nav{'get_text_from_textarea'} == 1 and $t->is_end_tag('textarea')) { }
0 48 elsif ($nav{'get_text_from_textarea'} == 1 and $t->is_text) { }