Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 14 0.0

line true false branch
12 0 0 unless $self->{'arguments'}[0]->isa('WWW::Shopify::Liquid::Token::Variable')
18 0 0 $self->is_processed($_) ? :
22 0 0 if ref $inner_hash and ref $inner_hash eq 'HASH' and not exists $$inner_hash{$vars[$_]} and $action eq 'optimize'
23 0 0 if (&looks_like_number($vars[$_]) and ref $inner_hash and ref $inner_hash eq 'ARRAY') { }
24 0 0 unless defined $$inner_hash[$vars[$_]]
27 0 0 unless exists $$inner_hash{$vars[$_]}
31 0 0 if (exists $$inner_hash{$vars[-1]} and &looks_like_number($$inner_hash{$vars[-1]}))