Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 26 0.0

line true false branch
93 0 0 if not $ean or length $isbn == 13 and $isbn ne $ean or length $isbn == 10 and $isbn ne $self->convert_to_isbn10($ean)
103 0 0 if $@ or not $mech->success or not $mech->content
115 0 0 if $url eq '' or $url eq '' . "/books/search/term/$ean"
119 0 0 if $@ or not $mech->success or not $mech->content
125 0 0 if $html =~ m[Sorry! We did not find any results for]is
128 0 0 if $html =~ /Exception was UseCaseError: \d+/is
146 0 0 if ($json)
159 0 0 unless defined $data
163 0 0 if $data->{$_}
167 0 0 if $data->{'title'}
168 0 0 if $data->{'description'}
170 0 0 if ($data->{'image'})
181 0 0 unless defined $data->{$_}