Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 9 18 50.0

line true false branch
92 0 4 if not $ean or length $isbn == 13 and $isbn ne $ean or length $isbn == 10 and $isbn ne $self->convert_to_isbn10($ean)
105 0 1 if $@ or not $mech->success or not $mech->content
111 0 1 if not $html or $html =~ m[Your search for "ISBN = \d+"\s+has produced 0 results.]is
130 1 0 if ($$data{'image'})
134 1 0 if $$data{'author'}
135 1 0 if $$data{'publisher'}
137 0 3 unless $$data{$_}
144 0 1 unless defined $data
149 0 11 unless defined $$data{$_}