Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 28 0.0

line true false branch
20 0 0 if $val
30 0 0 unless $args{'id'}
35 0 0 $args{'ua'} ? :
47 0 0 unless $direction =~ /(in|out)/
52 0 0 $direction eq 'out' ? :
58 0 0 if (defined $_->attr('http-equiv') and $_->attr('http-equiv') eq 'refresh')
72 0 0 if ($tt and $tt->attr('onclick') and $tt->attr('onclick') =~ /TTB_REQUEST/)
90 0 0 unless $h =~ /\d/
93 0 0 $is_pm ? :
0 0 $is_pm ? :
0 0 $h == 12 ? :
115 0 0 !($uri =~ /^http:/) ? :
117 0 0 if $res->is_success
126 0 0 unless $self->{'timetable'}{$direction}