Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 1 36 2.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
147 0 0 0 eval { do { &$subref() } } and not $@
187 0 0 0 $browser && $browser->getCurrentWindow
188 0 0 0 $window && $window->getEnclosedPage
189 0 0 0 $page && $page->getFocusedElement
192 0 0 0 $browser and $browser->can($method)
0 0 0 $window and $window->can($method)
0 0 0 $page and $page->can($method)
0 0 0 $element and $element->can($method)
203 0 0 0 ref $result and $result->can('toArray')
209 0 0 0 $@ and ref($@) =~ /Exception/

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
69 0 0 1 $parameters{'errors_to_tmpfile'} or not -c '/dev/null'
145 0 0 0 $timeout ||= $default_timeout