Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 50 54.0

line true false branch
42 0 0 if (defined $response and ref $response and $response->isa('HTTP::Response') and $response->is_success) { }
55 0 0 if (defined $response and ref $response and $response->isa('HTTP::Response') and $response->is_success) { }
70 3 7 if ($line =~ /^info:(\d+):(\d+)$/) { }
3 4 elsif ($line =~ /^pub:([0-9a-f]{8,16}):(\d*):(\d*):(\d*):(\d*):([der]*)$/i) { }
4 0 elsif ($line =~ /^uid:([^:]*):(\d*):(\d*):([der]*)$/i) { }
71 0 3 unless $1 == 1
77 1 2 $created && $created > time || $expires && $expires < time || length $flags ? :
78 0 3 if ($filter_ok and not $ok)
82 1 2 $flags =~ /r/ ? :
1 2 $flags =~ /e/ ? :
1 2 $flags =~ /d/ ? :
94 0 4 unless defined $key
96 3 1 $created && $created > time || $expires && $expires < time || length $flags ? :
97 2 2 if $filter_ok and not $ok
98 1 1 $flags =~ /r/ ? :
1 1 $flags =~ /e/ ? :
1 1 $flags =~ /d/ ? :
111 0 3 unless $keyc == $keyn
120 0 0 if ($type eq 'index') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'get') { }
122 0 0 if $options{'exact'}
124 0 0 unless defined $message
125 0 0 $options{'filter_ok'} ? :
130 0 0 unless ($search =~ /^0x/)
134 0 0 unless defined $message