Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 170 0.0

line true false branch
69 0 0 ref $_[0] ? :
73 0 0 if ($self->sample) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->run) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->clean) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->compile) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->start) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->html) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->text) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->ghpublish) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->help) { }
109 0 0 if cwd() eq 'File::HomeDir'->my_home
116 0 0 unless my $cmd = shift @ARGV
117 0 0 unless $cmd =~ s/ ^-{0,2}( help | new | vroom | compile | run | html | text | clean | ghpublish )$ /$1/x
130 0 0 if $cmd eq 'vroom'
131 0 0 if $cmd eq 'new'
134 0 0 unless GetOptions 'input=s', \$$self{'input'}, 'skip=i', \$$self{'skip'}
139 0 0 unless defined $$self{$_}
166 0 0 if ($slide =~ /\.pl$/)
172 0 0 if ($slide =~ /\.py$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($slide =~ /\.rb$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($slide =~ /\.php$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($slide =~ /\.js$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($slide =~ /\.hs$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($slide =~ /\.yaml$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($slide =~ /\.sh$/) { }
225 0 0 unless $slide =~ /^(\d+)(\.\S+)?$/
228 0 0 -e "${num}z$ext" ? :
246 0 0 $i > 0 ? :
247 0 0 $i + 1 < @slides ? :
265 0 0 if $slide =~ /^\d+[a-z]/
378 0 0 unless my(@stream) = io($self->input)->slurp
380 0 0 /^----\s+include\s+(\S+)/ ? :
397 0 0 if $split[0] =~ /\n/
404 0 0 if $slide =~ /$SLIDE_MARKER/
410 0 0 if $self->has_notes
414 0 0 if $$config{'skip'}
421 0 0 unless $raw_slide = $self->applyOptions($raw_slide, $config)
426 0 0 if ($self->config->{'skip'} or $self->skip)
427 0 0 if $self->config->{'skip'}
428 0 0 if $$self{'skip'}
432 0 0 if $self->has_notes
440 0 0 if $$config{'replace'}
442 0 0 if ($self->config->{'script'})
446 0 0 if $$config{'replace'}
459 0 0 if ($slide =~ s/^\ *!(.*\n)//m)
463 0 0 if ($$config{'undent'})
470 0 0 $i == @slides ? :
0 0 $suf eq 'a' ? :
477 0 0 if (my $script = shift @scripts)
491 0 0 $_[0] =~ s/$TITLE_MARKER// ? :
492 0 0 $_[0] =~ s/$SLIDE_MARKER(.*)\s*\Z//s ? :
499 0 0 if ($num_notes_transitions < $num_slide_transitions) { }
0 0 elsif ($num_notes_transitions > $num_slide_transitions) { }
523 0 0 $number == 1 ? :
530 0 0 unless -r $self->notesfile
542 0 0 if ($_ % 2) { }
545 0 0 unless defined $title
567 0 0 unless defined $note
572 0 0 ref $_ ? :
634 0 0 if $option =~ /^cd/
636 0 0 if $option =~ /^(config|skip|center|replace|$type_list)$/
638 0 0 if $option =~ /^(\.\w+)$/
640 0 0 if $option =~ /i(\d+)/
642 0 0 if $option =~ /i-(\d+)/
657 0 0 if ($$config{'config'})
663 0 0 if ($$config{'auto_size'})
675 0 0 if ($$config{'center'}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $$config{'indent'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($slide =~ /^\+?\*/m) { }
691 0 0 if (my $e = $$types{$key}) { }
0 0 elsif ($key =~ s/^cd//) { }
0 0 elsif ($key =~ s/^\.(\w+)//) { }
696 0 0 if (my $e = $$types{$key})
737 0 0 -e $home_vimrc ? :
739 0 0 $self->config->{'script'} ? :
742 0 0 $self->config->{'script'} ? :
763 0 0 if -e '.vimrc' and not io('.vimrc')->getline =~ /Vroom-\d\.\d\d/
801 0 0 if ($self->config->{'vim'} =~ /\bgvim\b/)
803 0 0 -e $home_gvimrc ? :
817 0 0 unless $self->config->{'script'}
852 0 0 if -e $file
944 0 0 unless -f $input
946 0 0 unless -d '.git'
948 0 0 unless -d '/tmp' and -w '/tmp'
950 0 0 unless `git branch` =~ /\bgh-pages\b/