Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 29 34 85.2

line true false branch
35 6 3 unless defined $offset
43 3 6 unless $self->is_video
79 0 6 unless (defined $self->width and defined $self->height)
102 140296 4736 if ($a != 0)
105 3568 1168 if ($b != 0)
108 409 759 if ($c != 1)
115 5 754 if ($d == 179) { }
3 1070 elsif ($$self{'context'} eq 'video' and $d == 187) { }
142 0 6 if ($frame_rate_index > 8)
165 0 6 unless ($aspect)
169 3 3 if ($aspect > $#{$Video::Info::MPEG::Video::ASPECT_RATIO;}) { }
227 4 2 if (not $self->vrate) { }
254 3 3 if $code == 184
260 3 0 if (defined $descr)
263 0 3 if ($descr eq 'extension_start_code') { }
2 1 elsif ($descr eq 'user_data_start_code') { }
289 1 5 unless ($self->next_start_code(184, $$self{'offset'}))