Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 30 93.3

line true false branch
19 53 14 defined $obj && ref $obj eq 'HASH' ? :
24 18 6 defined $obj && ref $obj eq 'ARRAY' ? :
29 132 69 defined $obj && ref $obj eq '' ? :
34 23 82 defined $obj && &looks_like_number($obj) ? :
39 62 19 defined $obj && $obj =~ qr/^-?\d+$/ ? :
45 6 124 $self->{'options'}{'use_json_boolean'} ? :
51 36 104 defined $obj && &looks_like_number($obj) && ($obj == 1 || $obj == 0) ? :
56 7 15 if defined $obj and &Types::Serialiser::is_bool($obj)
57 4 0 if ref $obj eq 'SCALAR' and &looks_like_number($$obj) and $$obj == 1 || $$obj == 0
63 1 6 !defined($obj) ? :
69 1 6 unless defined $a or defined $b
70 6 12 if $self->is_boolean($a) and $self->is_boolean($b) and $a == $b
71 10 33 if $self->is_string($a) and $self->is_string($b) and "$a" eq "$b"
72 0 14 if $self->is_number($a) and $self->is_number($b) and $a == $b
73 6 78 if eq_deeply($a, $b)