Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 22 49 44.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
94 30331 124 4 $SizeInBits eq 'yes' and $count == 1
30455 1 3 $SizeInBits eq 'yes' and $count == 1 and ord $char < 128
114 0 2 2 $input{'Parity'} =~ /^o/i and $x->is_even
115 4 0 0 $input{'Parity'} =~ /^e/i and $x->is_odd
1395 851 0 0 $Test eq 'D' and not DivisionTest(\%input)
1396 851 0 0 $Test eq 'F' and not FermatTest(\%input)
1397 851 0 0 $Test eq 'S' and not SolovayStrassenTest(\%input)
1398 0 8 843 $Test eq 'M' and not MillerRabinTest(\%input)
1455 0 0 0 $r->bcmp(1) != 0 and $r->bcmp($input{'Candidate'}->copy->bdec) != 0
1487 0 0 0 $n->copy->bmod(4)->numify == 3 and $a1->copy->bmod(4)->numify == 3
1513 33 39 867 $y->bcmp(1) != 0 and $y->bcmp($n1) != 0
1538 0 0 4 defined $input{'Verbose'} and $input{'Verbose'} =~ /^y/i
1544 0 0 4 defined $input{'Verbose'} and $input{'Verbose'} =~ /^y/i
1556 0 0 4 $n->copy->broot(4)->bdiv(3)->bcmp($d) <= 1 and $n->copy->broot(4)->bmul(2)->bcmp($x->copy->bsub($y)->babs) < 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
1485 0 0 0 $n8 == 1 or $n8 == 7

xor 4 conditions

line l&&r l&&!r !l&&r !l&&!r condition
68 2 2 0 0 $input{'Parity'} =~ /^o/i xor $input{'Lower'}->is_odd