Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 108 17.5

line true false branch
249 2 0 defined $_[0] ? :
253 0 2 unless -d $fs_name
264 1 3 if $basename eq '.'
265 1 2 if $basename eq '..'
266 0 2 if lc $basename eq '.vlgal'
273 1 1 if (-d $fs_name) { }
1 0 elsif (-f $fs_name) { }
282 1 0 if defined $file
291 2 0 defined $_[0] ? :
294 0 2 unless ref $opt eq 'HASH'
297 0 2 if exists $$opt{'_all_file_'}
300 0 2 if (exists $$opt{'file'}) { }
301 0 0 unless ref $$opt{'file'} eq 'ARRAY'
325 0 0 unless -d $self->mk_vlgal_dir_name
330 0 0 unless -d $icon_dir
335 0 0 unless -d $orig_dir
342 0 0 unless -f $img_folder
349 0 0 unless -f $img_next_peer
356 0 0 unless -f $img_next_seq
363 0 0 unless -f $img_prev_peer
370 0 0 unless -f $img_prev_seq
379 0 0 unless -d $size_sub
388 0 0 unless (exists $ALLOW_ISA{$name} or exists $ALLOW_REF{$name} or exists $ALLOW_RX{$name} or exists $ALLOW_VALUE{$name})
396 1 0 if (ref $val and exists $ALLOW_ISA{$name})
398 1 0 if &UNIVERSAL::isa($val, $class)
403 0 0 if (ref $val and exists $ALLOW_REF{$name})
404 0 0 if exists $ALLOW_REF{$name}{ref $val}
408 0 0 if (defined $val and not ref $val and exists $ALLOW_RX{$name})
410 0 0 if $val =~ /$rx/
415 0 0 if (not ref $val and exists $ALLOW_VALUE{$name})
416 0 0 if exists $ALLOW_VALUE{$name}{$val}
431 0 1 unless &_value_is_allowed('file', @_)
446 0 0 unless exists $$self{'VLGal_Directory'}{'file'}{$val}
468 0 0 unless $self->get_super_dir
505 0 0 if $i < 1
557 0 0 if ($file->isa('VLGal::Directory')) { }
580 0 0 if $i
581 0 0 if $i < scalar(@file) - 1
604 0 0 if $style->is_verbose
609 0 0 unless defined $fh
712 0 0 unless $i > 0
718 0 0 if ($i == 1) { }
727 0 0 if ($i == $size_nr - 1) { }
734 0 0 if ($skip_size == $size) { }
759 0 0 unless scalar @{$file;}
782 0 0 if scalar(@{$file;}) % $max_col
792 0 0 if ($order eq 'z') { }
803 0 0 if $file
808 0 0 if $i < scalar(@{$file;}) - 1
888 0 0 unless $file->isa('VLGal::Directory')
918 0 0 unless &_value_is_allowed('_all_file_', $val)
928 0 2 unless &_value_is_allowed('file', @_)
943 0 0 if (scalar @_) { }
946 0 0 if exists $$self{'VLGal_Directory'}{'file'}{$key}