Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 22 59.0

line true false branch
20 397 189 unless @_
24 0 189 if ($$self{'path'} ne $newpath)
34 0 22 unless $fil
52 0 115 if exists $$self{'verbose'} and $$self{'verbose'}
58 0 174 if $base and $base =~ /\d$/
60 121 53 unless exists $$self{'latest'}
61 0 53 unless $$self{'latest'}{$base}
67 0 0 unless $gen =~ s/\.0$// or $gen =~ s/([1-9]\d*)$/$1 - 1;/e
73 6 156 @_ ? :
78 0 218 @_ ? :
84 0 2 unless exists $$self{'parent'}