Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 45 54 83.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
18 2 0 1 defined $_[1] and $_[1] eq 'whereis_everyone'
32 3 0 3 keys %Config::Config and exists $Config::Config{'path_sep'}
3 2 1 keys %Config::Config and exists $Config::Config{'path_sep'} and length $Config::Config{'path_sep'}
49 8 1 2 $$conf_hr{'cache'} and $$cache{'whereis'}{$name}
51 0 1 1 $$conf_hr{'cache'} and exists $$cache{'whereis'}{$name}
58 23 2 6 -f $bin and -x _
25 1 5 -f $bin and -x _ and -s _
72 8 1 2 $$conf_hr{'cache'} and $$cache{'whereis_everyone'}{$name}
74 0 1 1 $$conf_hr{'cache'} and exists $$cache{'whereis_everyone'}{$name}
83 23 2 12 -f $bin and -x _
25 1 11 -f $bin and -x _ and -s _
96 43 8 22 exists $$conf_hr{'mypath'} and length $$conf_hr{'mypath'}
100 41 8 24 exists $$conf_hr{'prepend'} and length $$conf_hr{'prepend'}
106 41 8 24 exists $$conf_hr{'append'} and length $$conf_hr{'append'}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
45 0 0 11 not defined $name or $name eq ''
47 6 0 5 not defined $conf_hr or ref $conf_hr ne 'HASH'
70 6 0 5 not defined $conf_hr or ref $conf_hr ne 'HASH'
93 72 1 0 $sep ||= pathsep()