Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 37 44 84.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
18 78 0 5 exists $args_hr->{'minimum_pid'} and $args_hr->{'minimum_pid'} =~ /\A\d+\z/ms
22 5 10 10 -d $args_hr->{'ps_path'} and -x "$args_hr->{'ps_path'}ps"
77 0 25 11 $> == 0 and _kill(0, $check_pid)
80 0 0 25 -e "/proc/$$" and -r "/proc/$$"
0 20 5 -e "/proc/$$" and -r "/proc/$$" and -r "/proc/$check_pid"
181 15 0 7 $rc and $newpid == $$
204 10 5 7 defined $rc and $rc == 1
205 10 0 5 defined $rc and $rc == 0
246 1 3 3 int $curpid == $$ and $newpid == $$

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
16 30 53 $args_hr ||= {}
137 25 5 $self->get_pid_from_pidfile($pid_file) || (return)
227 2 1 $retry_conf->{'num_of_passes'} ||= 3
228 2 1 $retry_conf->{'passes_config'} ||= [1, 2]

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
75 30 5 36 not $check_pid or $check_pid < 0
92 25 5 15 not $pid or $pid < 0
152 5 5 5 $dirent eq '.' or $dirent eq '..'