Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 20 80.0

line true false branch
86 0 20 unless @_ == 1 or @_ == 2
88 4 16 unless defined $mode
90 0 20 unless $mode =~ /^(?:strict|loose(?:r|st)?)$/
93 2 18 if $mode =~ /^(?:strict|loose)$/ and $string =~ /\D/
96 1 17 if $mode eq 'looser' and $string =~ /\D/
101 0 18 unless defined $first_num
106 15 36 if ($d =~ /\D/)
113 1 35 if $mode eq 'strict' and $zero != _find_zero $d
116 2 33 if $mode =~ /^looser?$/ and $zero != _find_zero $d
119 0 35 unless $$info{'digit'} =~ /[0-9]/