Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 45 59 76.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
52 18677 0 13 $name =~ /^\+(.+)/ and $class->has_type("$1")
66 866 85 17726 my $f = $class->meta->{'functions'}{$name} and defined $class->meta->{'functions'}{$name}{'type'}
104 17723 0 1 $custom_type and $tag ne "types"
131 952 17721 2 defined $type and $type->deprecated
18673 1 1 defined $type and $type->deprecated and not $globals->{'allow_deprecated'}
136 815 0 17860 not ref $into and $into ne "-lexical"
815 943 16917 not ref $into and $into ne "-lexical" and defined $type
943 8614 8303 not ref $into and $into ne "-lexical" and defined $type and grep(($_ eq "types"), @$tags)
199 374 0 18 @extends and not ref $type_library
366 10624 0 574 $type->has_coercion and $type->coercion->frozen

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
188 368 24 $INC{"$"} ||= "/root/.cpan/build/Type-Tiny-2.004000-0/blib/lib/Type/"
210 77312 456 ${"$_[0]::META";} ||= bless({}, $_[0])
234 12134 0 $meta->{'types'} ||= {}
248 46986 1558 do { "${class}::EXPORT_TAGS" }->{$_} ||= []
283 4 0 do { "${class}::EXPORT_TAGS" }->{$t} ||= []
328 895 0 $meta->{'coercions'} ||= {}
336 606 289 do { "${class}::EXPORT_TAGS" }->{'coercions'} ||= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
34 375 17 646 $_[0]{'base'} or $_[0]{'extends'}
93 0 2 8869 $post_method or $custom_type
106 1 0 0 $value->{'-as'} || $exportable->{'name'}
145 3 8300 0 $value->{'-as'} || $name
166 809 0 0 $globals->{'into'} || &_croak(q[Parameter 'into' not supplied])