Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 26 88.4

line true false branch
52 0 35 unless @_
56 1 34 unless &Types::Standard::is_RegexpRef($regexp)
60 5 29 if (@_ > 1)
62 1 4 unless Types::TypeTiny::is_TypeTiny($checker)
71 0 24 if ref $value
78 4 29 $checker ? :
84 0 33 unless my $serialized_re = $regexp->$serialize_regexp
86 4 29 if ($checker) { }
87 1 3 unless $checker->can_be_inlined
91 1 23 if ($Type::Tiny::AvoidCallbacks and $serialized_re =~ /Types::Standard::StrMatch::expressions/)
107 1 28 if ($regexp_string =~ /\A\(\?\^u?:\\A(\.+)\)\z/)
112 1 27 if ($regexp_string =~ /\A\(\?\^u?:\\A(\.+)\\z\)\z/)
119 6 170 if ($Type::Tiny::AvoidCallbacks and $serialized_re =~ /Types::Standard::StrMatch::expressions/)