Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 43 54 79.6

line true false branch
29 1 11 ref $caller ? :
32 5 53 @_ ? :
37 0 100 if ref $class
71 14 4 if ($library->isa('Type::Library') or $library eq 'Types::TypeTiny') { }
1 3 elsif ($library->isa('Exporter') and my $type_tag = do {
1 2 elsif ($library->isa('MooseX::Types::Base')) { }
1 1 elsif ($library->isa('MouseX::Types::Base')) { }
73 0 14 unless Types::TypeTiny::is_ArrayLike($types)
89 0 1 unless Types::TypeTiny::is_ArrayLike($types) and @$types == 0
105 0 1 unless Types::TypeTiny::is_ArrayLike($types) and @$types == 0
126 0 544 if exists $self->{$key} and $self->{$key}{'uniq'} != $hash{$key}{'uniq'}
138 1 3 if $type->is_anon
146 0 1726 if exists $self->{$name} and $self->{$name}{'uniq'} != $type->{'uniq'}
155 1 4 unless my $lookup = eval {
167 168 191 if (exists $self->{$tc}) { }
2 189 elsif ($self->has_parent) { }
179 0 1 ref $_[0] ? :
203 3 0 $_[1] ? :
3 14 unless $_[0] =~ /^(.+)::(\w+)$/
214 4 10 if ($library->isa("MooseX::Types::Base"))
216 0 4 unless my $type = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint($library->get_type($typename))
222 3 7 if ($library->isa("MouseX::Types::Base"))
224 0 3 unless my $sub = $library->can($typename)
225 0 3 unless my $type = Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint(&$sub())
230 1 6 if ($library->can("get_type"))
241 59 73 unless $self->simple_lookup(@_)
296 24 1 if $type