Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 54 62.9

line true false branch
116 7 2 if (defined $internals{'visc40'})
120 0 9 if (defined $internals{'visc100'})
135 0 16 if ($new_label)
156 0 7127 unless (defined $T)
160 18 7109 if (defined $cst)
166 5715 1394 if (my $visc = $self->{'__visc_calibration_points'}{$T})
173 0 1393 unless (scalar @calibrations == 2)
216 0 1407 unless (scalar @$calibrations == 2)
243 0 31 unless ($cst100)
247 0 31 if ($cst100 < 2)
251 1 30 if ($cst100 > 70)
260 0 17745 unless length $line
261 120 17625 if $line =~ /^#/
262 4680 12945 if $line =~ /^\s*$/
268 0 3225 unless $visc and $L and $H
269 13 3212 if $visc == $cst100
270 3195 17 if ($visc < $cst100)
274 17 0 if ($visc > $cst100)
280 0 17 unless (@one_before and @one_after)
312 0 0 unless length $line
313 0 0 if $line =~ /^#/
314 0 0 if $line =~ /^\s*$/
320 0 0 unless $visc and $L and $H
339 12 4 if ($vi > 100)
365 1 2815 unless $visc40 and $visc100
391 1 6993 unless (defined $c)
443 0 16 unless ($cst40 and $cst100)