Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 113 251 45.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
266 47 0 16 defined $base and length $base
276 0 63 0 defined $file and ref($schema = $opts->{'schemas'}{$file})
300 0 0 63 defined $version and length $version
519 66 158 0 $cmp == 0 and @my_revision || @revision
581 84 0 9 defined $type->{'type'} and length $type->{'type'}
84 0 9 defined $type->{'type'} and length $type->{'type'} and not exists $$referred{$type->{'type'}}
641 60 3 0 $opts->{'revision'} and $self->_match_revision($opts->{'revision'}) != 0
646 57 6 0 $opts->{'minimal_revision'} and $self->_match_revision($opts->{'minimal_revision'}) < 0
651 61 2 0 $opts->{'maximal_revision'} and $self->_match_revision($opts->{'maximal_revision'}) > 0
741 0 0 99 defined $path and length $path
761 0 0 139 defined $step and length $step
797 0 0 0 defined $step && length $step
813 0 0 99 $decl && $decl->get_decl_type
814 0 33 66 $decl && ($decl_is == 11 || $decl_is == 12 || $decl_is == 13 || $decl_is == 1 || $decl_is == 2)
869 0 0 22 not $decl and wantarray
928 12 1814 0 ref $opts and $opts->{'no_childnodes'}
1814 0 0 ref $opts and $opts->{'no_childnodes'} and defined $decl->{'role'}
1814 0 0 ref $opts and $opts->{'no_childnodes'} and defined $decl->{'role'} and $decl->{'role'} eq '#CHILDNODES'
950 0 0 0 defined $_ && length $_
952 0 26 8 defined $_ && length $_
954 0 0 0 defined $_ && length $_
958 367 0 0 $first and @result
962 0 0 37 defined $_ && length $_
964 624 0 0 $first and @res
970 0 0 0 defined $_ && length $_
972 28 0 0 $first and @res
976 0 0 51 defined $_ && length $_
978 48 0 0 $first and @result
982 0 41 56 defined $_ && length $_
984 55 0 0 $first and @res
988 0 15 19 defined $_ && length $_
991 0 0 0 defined $_ && length $_
1070 0 0 0 defined $log and UNIVERSAL::isa($log, 'ARRAY')
1099 0 0 0 defined $log and UNIVERSAL::isa($log, 'ARRAY')
1108 0 0 0 defined $path and length $path
1172 0 0 0 $no_children and $type->get_role eq '#CHILDNODES'
1173 0 0 0 not $with_LM and $decl_is == 6
0 0 0 not $with_AM and $decl_is == 7
1181 0 0 0 $no_nodes and $type->get_role eq '#NODE'
1209 0 0 0 defined $_ && length $_
1293 48 0 92 $parent_is == 4 and $decl_is != 11
1308 880 47 59 $decl_is == 6 and not $decl->{'-decl'}
927 59 0 $decl_is == 6 and not $decl->{'-decl'} and $decl->{'role'} eq '#KNIT'
1313 360 184 0 not $decl->{'-decl'} and $decl->{'role'} eq '#KNIT'
1331 0 0 0 $decl->{'-parent'} and $decl->{'-name'}
1344 499 0 0 ref $val and not exists $seen->{$val}
1351 1716 607 625 ref $val and not exists $seen->{$val}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
259 0 0 $more_opts ||= {}
528 11 0 $self->{'revision'} || 0
529 11 0 $self->{'revision'} || 0
640 40 23 $opts->{'revision_error'} || 'Error: wrong schema revision of %f: %e'
678 0 2 $schema_hash->{'-api_version'} ||= '2.0'
870 10 12 $self->{'-ROLE_CACHE'}{$role} ||= [$self->_find_role($role, $decl, $opts)]
1157 0 0 $opts ||= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
519 150 0 8 @my_revision || @revision
742 0 97 0 $path =~ s[^/][] or not $decl
756 0 42 453 $decl_is == 11 or $decl_is == 12
42 97 356 $decl_is == 11 or $decl_is == 12 or $decl_is == 13
139 0 356 $decl_is == 11 or $decl_is == 12 or $decl_is == 13 or $decl_is == 1
764 54 0 302 $decl_is == 6 or $decl_is == 7
767 54 0 0 $step eq 'LM' || $step eq '[LIST]'
0 0 0 $step eq 'AM' || $step eq '[ALT]'
0 0 54 $step =~ /^\[[-+]?\d+\]$/ or $decl_is == 6 ? $step eq 'LM' || $step eq '[LIST]' : $step eq 'AM' || $step eq '[ALT]'
797 0 0 0 not defined $step && length $step or $step eq $decl->get_name
811 0 0 0 $decl ||= $schema->get_root_decl->get_content_decl
908 0 12 0 $decl ||= $self->{'root'}
960 102 12 1336 $decl_is == 1 or $decl_is == 2
114 28 1308 $decl_is == 1 or $decl_is == 2 or $decl_is == 11
40 624 684 $decl_is == 1 or $decl_is == 2 or $decl_is == 11 or $decl_is == 12
652 55 629 $decl_is == 1 or $decl_is == 2 or $decl_is == 11 or $decl_is == 12 or $decl_is == 13
1073 0 0 0 $type ||= $schema->get_type_by_name($type)
1173 0 0 0 $decl_is == 1 or $decl_is == 2
0 0 0 $decl_is == 1 or $decl_is == 2 or $decl_is == 11
0 0 0 $decl_is == 1 or $decl_is == 2 or $decl_is == 11 or $decl_is == 12
0 0 0 $decl_is == 1 or $decl_is == 2 or $decl_is == 11 or $decl_is == 12 or $decl_is == 13
0 0 0 $decl_is == 1 or $decl_is == 2 or $decl_is == 11 or $decl_is == 12 or $decl_is == 13 or not $with_LM and $decl_is == 6
0 0 0 $decl_is == 1 or $decl_is == 2 or $decl_is == 11 or $decl_is == 12 or $decl_is == 13 or not $with_LM and $decl_is == 6 or not $with_AM and $decl_is == 7
1282 172 92 1937 $decl_is == 3 or $decl_is == 4
264 85 1852 $decl_is == 3 or $decl_is == 4 or $decl_is == 5
177 106 1746 $decl_is == 3 or $decl_is == 4 or $decl_is == 5 or $decl_is == 6
191 10 1736 $decl_is == 3 or $decl_is == 4 or $decl_is == 5 or $decl_is == 6 or $decl_is == 7
116 84 1652 $decl_is == 3 or $decl_is == 4 or $decl_is == 5 or $decl_is == 6 or $decl_is == 7 or $decl_is == 9
94 2 1650 $decl_is == 3 or $decl_is == 4 or $decl_is == 5 or $decl_is == 6 or $decl_is == 7 or $decl_is == 9 or $decl_is == 10
86 435 1215 $decl_is == 3 or $decl_is == 4 or $decl_is == 5 or $decl_is == 6 or $decl_is == 7 or $decl_is == 9 or $decl_is == 10 or $decl_is == 8
1293 87 360 143 $parent_is == 11 or $parent_is == 12
447 3 140 $parent_is == 11 or $parent_is == 12 or $parent_is == 13