Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 60 41.6

line true false branch
39 0 6 if $err
47 6 0 unless (defined $schema_dir and length $schema_dir and -f 'File::Spec'->catfile($schema_dir, 'pmlbackend_conf_schema.xml'))
50 6 0 if defined $schema_dir and length $schema_dir
52 0 6 if ($file and -f $file) { }
65 6 0 if ($cfg)
74 0 0 if ($t)
78 0 0 if (ref $copy->value and $copy->value->{'id'})
84 0 0 if $@
102 0 22 unless ref $fsfile
107 0 22 if ($status and not $Treex::PML::Backend::PML::allow_no_trees || defined $ctxt->get_trees)
124 22 22 if (ref $f) { }
126 0 22 if ($Treex::PML::Backend::PML::TRANSFORM and $Treex::PML::Backend::PML::config) { }
129 0 0 if defined $_ and /^\s*
143 22 27 unless ($past_BOM)
148 5 44 unless /\S/
149 0 44 if ($in_first_tag) { }
0 44 elsif ($in_pi) { }
0 44 elsif ($in_comment) { }
150 0 0 if />/
151 0 0 if m[\bxmlns(?::[[:alnum:]]+)?=([\'\"])\1]
154 0 0 unless s/^.*?\?>//
157 0 0 unless s/^.*?\-->//
161 0 44 if (/<\?/) { }
0 44 elsif (/