Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 40 92 43.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
64 0 0 261 defined $arg_ref and defined $arg_ref->{'_called_from_core_'}
85 0 0 0 ref $node && &refaddr($node) == &refaddr($self)
159 3 0 2 ref $old_value eq 'Treex::PML::List' and @$old_value
177 0 0 8 $attr_value and @$attr_value
285 9 0 0 $arg_ref and $arg_ref->{'children'}
328 2 0 22 $refs and $refs->{$type}
329 22 0 0 defined $lang and defined $sel
427 108 0 75 scalar @_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
524 0 189 0 $CHECK_FOR_CYCLES and $parent->is_descendant_of($self)
556 52 80 0 $arg_ref->{'ordered'} || &any(sub {
563 132 0 0 $arg_ref->{'preceding_only'} and $arg_ref->{'following_only'}
565 132 0 0 $arg_ref->{'first_only'} and $arg_ref->{'last_only'}
600 52 3 77 $arg_ref->{'ordered'} || &any(sub {
55 25 52 $arg_ref->{'ordered'} || &any(sub {
641 72 106 0 $arg_ref and $arg_ref->{'except'}
731 0 0 0 exists $wild->{'misc'} and defined $wild->{'misc'}
760 0 0 0 defined $attr and defined $value
766 0 0 0 $misc[$i] =~ /^(.+?)=(.+)$/ and $1 eq $attr

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
190 0 0 $attr_value // 'undef'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
64 261 0 0 defined $arg_ref and defined $arg_ref->{'_called_from_core_'} or $Treex::Core::Config::running_in_tred
77 0 0 0 $self->id // 'node_without_id(addr=' . &refaddr($self) . ')'
144 0 0 0 not defined $attr_value or $attr_value eq ''
196 69 61 8 $attr_name =~ /^[\w\.]+$/ or $attr_name eq '#name'
360 3 2 1 $attr eq $id or scalar @{$attr;} <= 1
443 1 0 115 $attr =~ m[/] or $attr eq 'mlayer_pos'
1 61 54 $attr =~ m[/] or $attr eq 'mlayer_pos' or $attr eq '#name'
524 0 0 189 $self == $parent or $CHECK_FOR_CYCLES and $parent->is_descendant_of($self)
556 80 0 52 $arg_ref->{'ordered'} || &any(sub {
600 80 0 52 $arg_ref->{'ordered'} || &any(sub {
716 0 0 0 $doc->loaded_from || $doc->full_filename . '.treex'
837 0 0 0 not defined $list or ref $list ne 'Treex::PML::List'