Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 42 52 80.7

line true false branch
75 1 196 unless (@nodes)
79 13 183 if (defined $options->{'at'})
81 2 11 unless ($options->{'at'} =~ /^-?\d+$/)
87 2 9 if ($options->{'at'} > $num_children or $num_children + $options->{'at'} < 0)
95 4 217 unless (&blessed($node) and $node->isa("Tree"))
99 2 215 if ($node->root eq $self->root)
103 1 214 if ($node->parent)
131 1 26 unless (@nodes)
138 1 30 unless (defined $proto)
142 10 20 if (not &blessed($proto)) { }
143 1 9 unless ($proto =~ /^-?\d+$/)
147 2 7 if ($proto >= $num_children or $num_children + $proto <= 0)
156 1 19 unless (defined $index)
295 2 39 unless (&blessed($self))
297 1 1 if @_
303 5 34 if @_
316 248 27 if @_
328 5197 144 if $height < $temp_height
344 5190 24 $width ? :
354 28 265 if ($self->is_root) { }
370 141 83 if (@$params and not &blessed($params->[0]) and ref $params->[0] eq 'HASH') { }
384 0 0 unless $options->{'no_attributes'}
410 0 0 unless $vert_dashes->[$_]
411 0 0 $sibling_count == 0 ? :
419 0 0 if $sibling_count == $indexes[0] + 1
421 0 0 $depth ? :