Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 35 61 57.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
38 2 11 0 $opt{'ura_base'} and $opt{'ura_version'}
80 0 0 0 not $self->{'full_routes'} and $self->{'stop_id'}
230 178167 0 0 $line_id and not $lineid eq $line_id
234 64788 1507 111872 $stop and not $stopname eq $stop
238 66295 0 0 $stop_id and not $stopid eq $stop_id
249 33901 0 32394 $hide_past and $ts_now > $timestamp
268 7 10 740 $via and &none(sub { $_->[1] eq $via; } , @route_post)
274 17 0 0 $via_id and &none(sub { $_->[2] eq $via_id; } , @route_post)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
33 0 13 $opt{'lwp_options'} // {'timeout', 10}
56 1 9 $opt{'calculate_routes'} // 0
9 1 $opt{'hide_past'} // 1
200 11 0 ($opt{'calculate_routes'} // $self->{'full_routes'}) // 0
201 11 0 ($opt{'hide_past'} // $self->{'hide_past'}) // 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
56 6 4 0 $opt{'datetime'} // 'DateTime'->now('time_zone', 'Europe/Berlin')
200 1 0 11 $opt{'calculate_routes'} // $self->{'full_routes'}
201 1 0 11 $opt{'hide_past'} // $self->{'hide_past'}
202 0 0 12 $opt{'line_id'} // $self->{'line_id'}
203 5 0 7 $opt{'stop'} // $self->{'stop'}
204 0 0 12 $opt{'stop_id'} // $self->{'stop_id'}
205 2 0 10 $opt{'via'} // $self->{'via'}
206 0 0 12 $opt{'via_id'} // $self->{'via_id'}
211 2 0 10 $via or $via_id