Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 60 0.0

line true false branch
12 0 0 if ($options{'verbose'})
16 0 0 if ($options{'rejfile'})
20 0 0 if ($options{'no_trav'})
25 0 0 if ($options{'minsize'})
31 0 0 if ($options{'maxsize'})
36 0 0 if ($options{'only'})
40 0 0 if ($options{'callback'})
44 0 0 if ($options{'no_dir'})
48 0 0 if ($options{'data'})
52 0 0 if ($options{'preprocess'})
66 0 0 unless ($f or $o->{'callback'})
72 0 0 unless (opendir $dh, $dir)
78 0 0 if ($o->{'preprocess'})
82 0 0 if ($file eq '.' or $file eq '..')
85 0 0 if ($o->{'rejfile'} and $file =~ /$o->{'rejfile'}/)
86 0 0 if ($o->{'verbose'})
92 0 0 if ($o->{'verbose'})
96 0 0 if (-d $dfile)
97 0 0 unless ($o->{'no_trav'} and $dfile =~ /$o->{'no_trav'}/)
98 0 0 if (-l $dfile)
100 0 0 if ($o->{'verbose'})
107 0 0 if ($o->{'no_dir'})
112 0 0 if (-l $dfile)
114 0 0 if ($o->{'verbose'})
119 0 0 if (not $is_dir and $o->{'size'})
121 0 0 if ($size > $o->{'maxsize'} or $size < $o->{'minsize'})
122 0 0 if ($o->{'verbose'})
128 0 0 if (not $o->{'only'} or $file =~ /$o->{'only'}/)
137 0 0 if ($f)
140 0 0 if ($o->{'callback'})