Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 24 87.5

line true false branch
13 23 1502 unless (ref $self)
20 0 1525 unless defined $from_time and defined $to_time
24 11 1514 if ($delta < 30)
27 9 1505 if ($delta < 90)
30 69 1436 if ($delta < 3600)
33 35 1401 if ($delta < 5400)
36 1381 20 if ($delta < 86400)
39 5 15 if ($delta > 86400 and $delta < 172800)
42 5 10 if ($delta < 31536000)
63 27 0 if (ref $self)
64 0 27 if (defined $dir)
68 2 25 if (defined $self->{'i18n_dir'})