Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 67 76 88.1

line true false branch
394 254 204 if ($instant >= $segments[$try]->start_tai_instant) { }
400 1 84 if ($min == 0 and $instant < $segments[0]->start_tai_instant)
403 2 82 if ($max == $final and $instant >= $segments[$final]->start_tai_instant)
406 0 2 if @segments != $final + 1
422 0 85 unless $day->is_int
430 254 204 if ($day >= $segments[$try]->start_utc_day) { }
436 1 85 if ($min == 0 and $day < $segments[0]->start_utc_day)
439 3 82 if ($max == $final and $day >= $segments[$final]->start_utc_day)
441 1 2 if @segments != $final + 1
484 0 667 unless $day->is_int
485 3 664 if $day < $segments[0]->start_utc_day
487 8 656 if ($day >= $end_day)
489 6 2 if ($day >= $end_day)
494 246 412 defined $val ? :
517 164 164 if $secs->is_negative or $secs >= $day_len
544 0 0 if ($day == $seg->end_utc_day)
562 0 0 $day == $seg->last_utc_day ? :
564 0 0 if $secs->is_negative or $secs >= $day_len
600 1 6 if $secs->is_negative
602 3 3 if ($secs >= 86340) { }
624 2 15 unless $hr->is_int and not $hr->is_negative and $hr < 24
626 4 9 unless $mi->is_int and not $mi->is_negative and $mi < 60
628 3 6 unless not $sc->is_negative and $hr == 23 && $mi == 59 || $sc < 60
657 4 6 $yr % 400 == 0 ? :
10 2 $yr % 100 == 0 ? :
12 37 $yr % 4 == 0 ? :
659 6 43 $isleap ? :
665 1 17 unless $day->is_int
671 15 2 unless $leaps->is_zero
674 12 5 if ($day >= $monthstarts->[12])
698 1 23 unless $yr->is_int
700 2 20 unless $mo->is_int and $mo >= 1 and $mo <= 12
704 2 17 unless $dy->is_int and $dy >= 1 and $dy <= $monthstarts->[$mo] - $$monthstarts[$mo - 1]
714 15 2 unless $leaps->is_zero
762 1 3 unless $day->is_int
776 1 3 unless $mjdn->is_int
795 1 3 unless $day->is_int
809 1 3 unless $cjdn->is_int