Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 48 47.9

line true false branch
75 0 2004 unless $success
91 0 2004 if $self->opt('download_leapseconds', 0)
92 4 2000 unless $self->opt('do_not_load_leapseconds')
102 1 0 unless defined $TAI_OR
107 1 0 unless defined $TAI10_OR
112 1 0 unless defined $TAI35_OR
118 2004 0 unless defined $self->{'tm_or'}
119 0 2004 if (defined $self->opt('base_time', undef, \%opt_h))
128 0 112 if ($ls_tm > $tm - $delta)
134 2002 2 if $self->{'mode'} eq 'tai10'
135 1 2003 if $self->{'mode'} eq 'tai35'
136 1004 1000 if $self->opt('fine_tune', 1)
146 0 4 if (open $fh, '<', $filename) { }
148 0 0 unless $x =~ /^(\d{10})\s+(\d{2})/
172 0 0 if (defined(my $urls = $self->opt('download_urls', undef, \%opt_h)))
173 0 0 if (ref $urls eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif ($urls =~ /^(http:|ftp:|file:)/i) { }
187 0 0 unless defined $reply and $reply->{'success'}
199 3003 7021 if defined $self->{'opt_hr'}{$name}
200 0 2008 if defined $alt_hr and ref $alt_hr eq 'HASH' and defined $alt_hr->{$name}
219 0 4 if defined $pathname
220 0 4 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { }
223 0 0 if -e $f
228 0 16 if -e $f