Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 86 92 93.4

line true false branch
43 80 84 if (ref $invocant)
45 0 80 if @_
50 4 80 if @_
59 2 6 if @_ == 1
80 583 1495 if (@_)
84 4 579 if ($Allow_Hour_24) { }
86 0 4 unless not defined $hour or $hour >= 0 and $hour <= 24
91 2 577 unless not defined $hour or $hour >= 0 and $hour <= 23
105 568 1188 if (@_)
109 2 562 unless not defined $minute or $minute >= 0 and $minute <= 59
122 568 715 if (@_)
126 2 559 unless not defined $second or $second >= 0 and $second <= 59
139 95 127 if (@_)
143 2 42 unless not defined $nanosecond or $nanosecond >= 0 and $nanosecond < 1000000000
156 13 284 if (@_ and defined $_[0])
160 4 9 if ($ampm =~ /^a\.?m\.?$/i) { }
9 0 elsif ($ampm =~ /^p\.?m\.?$/i) { }
162 1 3 if ($self->hour > 12) { }
3 0 elsif ($self->hour == 12) { }
175 6 3 if ($self->hour < 12)
185 93 191 $self->hour >= 12 ? :
201 20 67 $hour == 0 ? :
23 87 $hour > 12 ? :
206 53 57 defined $ns ? :
232 53 57 if (defined $ns) { }
251 73 2 if (my($hour, $min, $sec, $fsec, $ampm) = $time =~ m[^ (\d\d?) # hour (?::(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?)?(?:\.(\d{0,9})\d*)? # min? sec? nanosec? (?:\s*([aApP]\.?[mM]\.?))? # am/pm $ ]x) { }
2 0 elsif ($time eq 'now') { }
262 7 66 if ($hour == 24) { }
265 4 3 if ($min == 0 and $sec == 0 and $fsec == 0) { }
282 19 51 if (defined $fsec)
286 5 14 if ($len < 9) { }
0 14 elsif ($len > 9) { }
300 1 1 if ($Have_HiRes_Time) { }
339 8 487 if (@_ == 1)
343 6 2 if (my($hour, $min, $sec, $fsec) = $delta =~ /^ (\d+) # hours (?::(\d+))? # minutes (?::(\d+))? # seconds (?:\.(\d{0,9})\d*)? # nanoseconds $ /x) { }
352 3 3 if (defined $fsec)
356 1 2 if ($len < 9)
385 9 16 if (defined $args{'nanoseconds'})
390 5 4 if ($ns_arg + $nsec < 1000000000) { }
413 8 460 if (defined $args{'nanoseconds'})
418 2 6 if ($nsec - $ns_arg >= 0) { }
424 3 3 if (abs $nsec - $ns_arg >= 1000000000) { }
437 13 455 if ($secs < 0)
451 9 484 if ($secs >= 86400)
456 471 22 if ($secs >= 3600) { }
463 473 20 if ($secs >= 60) { }