Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 20 0.0

line true false branch
58 0 0 if ($dyday >= 2)
63 0 0 if ($daysleft == 0)
73 0 0 if (defined $$self{'WORKDAYS'}{$wday})
83 0 0 if ($duration > $daysin * 86400)
85 0 0 if (defined $$self{'WORKDAYS'}{$swday})
92 0 0 if ($end_seconds > $stop_day or $eyday - $syday >= 1)
96 0 0 if ($start_seconds < $stop_day and $start_seconds > $start_day)
105 0 0 if ($eyday - $syday >= 1 and defined $$self{'WORKDAYS'}{$ewday})
107 0 0 if ($ehour * 60 + $emin >= $$self{'startworkmin'})
114 0 0 if ($end_seconds > $stop_day)