Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 36 63.8

line true false branch
76 0 6 unless -f $$hash{'_internal_filename'}
78 6 0 if -f $$hash{'_internal_filename'}
79 6 0 if (defined $rc) { }
89 4 44 if /^\s*$/o
91 10 34 if (/^\s*#/o or /^\s*\;/o)
97 0 34 unless /$separator/o
103 0 34 unless $length and $key
122 0 3 if ($key =~ /^_internal/o)
127 1 2 unless ($$self{'_internal_accessmode'})
132 0 2 if defined $$self{$key} and $$self{$key} eq $val
148 0 1 unless $$self{'_internal_accessmode'}
151 0 1 unless $$self{'_internal_changed'}
156 1 0 if (defined $rc) { }
159 0 1 if $$self{'_internal_comments'}
164 1 3 unless $key =~ /^_internal/o
167 0 1 if $?
180 7 3 unless $key =~ /^_internal/o
182 1 0 if $$self{'_internal_comments'}