Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 66 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
104 0 0 0 $cache_duration and $client->{'cached_drivers'}{$hashdsn}{'create_ts'}
0 0 0 $cache_duration and $client->{'cached_drivers'}{$hashdsn}{'create_ts'} and $client->{'cached_drivers'}{$hashdsn}{'create_ts'} + $cache_duration > $t
651 0 0 0 not $job || $client->{'strict_remove_ability'} and @{$client->{'current_abilities'};} < @{$client->{'all_abilities'};}
731 0 0 0 $logger and ref $logger ne 'CODE'
906 0 0 0 ref $arg and $arg->isa('TheSchwartz')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
41 0 0 delete $args{'retry_seconds'} || 30
46 0 0 delete $args{'driver_cache_expiration'} || 0
87 0 0 $dbh->{'Username'} || ''
140 0 0 $client->driver_for($hashdsn)->last_error || 'unknown'
199 0 0 $arg->{'coalesce_op'} ||= '='
313 0 0 $driver->last_error or 0
372 0 0 $driver->last_error or 0
420 0 0 $worker_class->grab_for || 1
481 0 0 $driver->last_error or 0
626 0 0 $delay ||= 5
787 0 0 $class || ''
0 0 $class->grab_for || 1
809 0 0 $_ || ''
0 0 $args->{$_} || ''
814 0 0 $_ || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
38 0 0 0 not exists $args{'databases'} or ref $args{'databases'} eq 'ARRAY'
47 0 0 0 delete $args{'batch_size'} || $FIND_JOB_BATCH_SIZE
196 0 0 0 $arg->{'limit'} || $client->batch_size
326 0 0 0 $worker_classes ||= $client->{'current_abilities'}
647 0 0 0 $job ||= $client->find_job_for_workers
651 0 0 0 $job || $client->{'strict_remove_ability'}
754 0 0 0 $dir eq '1' or $dir eq 'on'