Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 38 42 90.4

line true false branch
33 717 1300 if ($line =~ /^[ \t](.*)/)
34 0 717 unless @lines
62 0 21417 if ($text =~ s/^(\\)//)
63 0 0 if $escaped or $keep
67 1360 20057 if (not $quote || $escaped and $text =~ s/^$delim//) { }
70 963 397 if (defined $limit and @parts == $limit - 1)
78 28 20029 if ($char eq '"' and not $escaped) { }
83 14 14 if $keep
103 5 1294 if scalar @path == 0 and $_ =~ /^\s*$/
105 165 1129 if (/^BEGIN:(.*)/i)
111 164 965 if (/^END:(.*)/i)
112 1 163 unless lc $$current{'type'} eq lc $1
120 2 963 unless defined $value
128 197 192 if $self->preserve_params
137 1 113 if @path
153 78 48 if exists $$this{'type'}
154 78 48 if (exists $$this{'properties'})
161 401 67 unless $$value{'params'}
162 134 44 defined $$hash{$_} ? :
175 58 68 if (exists $$this{'objects'})
178 78 48 if exists $$this{'type'}