Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 11 20 55.0

line true false branch
67 8 127 if ($x eq $y) { }
90 37 elsif ($x eq '-' or $y eq '-') { }
80 0 37 if ($x =~ /$yFamily/) { }
22 15 elsif (getForm($x) == getForm($y)) { }
0 15 elsif ($yEquiv and $x =~ /$yEquiv/) { }
81 0 0 if ($yEquiv and $x =~ /$yEquiv/) { }
0 0 elsif ($x =~ /[\x{12c9}\x{12cd}]/ and $y =~ /[\x{12c9}\x{12cd}]/) { }
0 0 elsif (getForm($x) > 7 or getForm($y) > 7) { }
94 5 17 if ($yEquiv and $x =~ /$yEquiv/) { }
100 0 17 if ($IMCapsEquivalence{$xሳድስ} eq $yሳድስ) { }