Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 44 81.8

line true false branch
38 0 18 if ref $class and UNIVERSAL::isa($class, 'Text::TabularDisplay')
48 9 9 if @_
80 21 33 if (@_)
82 1 20 if ($cnum > scalar @_)
90 4 50 unless $$self{'_COLUMNS'}[0]
92 27 27 wantarray ? :
103 40 42 UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'ARRAY') ? :
105 82 0 if (@$add)
131 22 4 if (@columns = $self->columns)
138 0 94 unless defined $datum
167 1 1 if @_
181 0 5 unless @_
182 5 0 UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'ARRAY') ? :
205 0 0 if $items % $items_per_page
229 20 83 if scalar @$add > $$size
236 147 150 unless $$length[$i] and $$length[$i] > $l
254 328 11 defined $_ && length $_ ? :
255 118 221 if $height < @lines
264 345 6 defined $col_lines[$i][$h] ? :
279 4 293 unless defined $str
283 292 2 if $len < length $_
288 0 297 unless ($len =~ /^(\d+)$/s)