Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 169 198 85.3

line true false branch
90 135 0 if defined $_[0]
91 125 0 if defined $_[0]
92 133 0 if defined $_[0]
93 82 0 if defined $_[0]
94 0 0 if defined $_[0]
95 156 0 if defined $_[0]
114 95 14 if @$lines >= $num_lines
117 11 3 if ($which =~ /^b/) { }
1 2 elsif ($which =~ /^t/) { }
138 492 74 unless ref $cell_value eq "HASH"
140 3 71 if defined $attr_val
145 174 389 unless defined $x and defined $y
147 296 93 unless $cell_attrs
149 79 14 unless $entry->[0] == $y and $entry->[1] == $x
151 3 11 if defined $attr_val
157 174 386 unless defined $x
159 296 90 unless $col_attrs
161 72 18 unless $entry->[0] == $x
163 9 9 if defined $attr_val
169 0 551 unless defined $y
171 388 163 unless $row_attrs
173 101 62 unless $entry->[0] == $y
175 9 53 if defined $attr_val
182 7 535 if defined $attr_val
194 17 92 ref $cell eq 'HASH' ? :
197 4 2 $align eq 'right' ? :
103 6 $align eq 'left' ? :
198 3 2 $valign eq 'bottom' ? :
104 5 $valign eq 'top' ? :
203 9 109 if $ic > 1
207 10 109 if $$bottom_borders[$y + $ir - 2] and $ir > 1
220 0 18 unless my $rows = $args{'rows'}
231 1 17 if ($color) { }
239 1 17 if ($color) { }
240 1 0 if ($wide_char) { }
250 0 17 if ($wide_char) { }
294 1 39 $cmp == 1 ? :
13 40 $cmp == 0 ? :
298 53 0 if @{$exptable->[$rownum];} == 0 or defined $exptable->[$rownum][-1]
303 0 53 if ($exptable_colnum == -1)
304 35 18 $args{'separate_rows'} ? :
312 17 92 if (ref $cell eq 'HASH') { }
314 10 7 if $cell->{'rowspan'}
315 9 8 if $cell->{'colspan'}
319 3 18 if $_->[0] == $rownum and $_->[1] == $colnum
320 0 92 if $el
321 3 18 if $_->[0] == $rownum and $_->[1] == $colnum
322 0 92 if $el
336 109 24 if ($ir == 1 and $ic == 1) { }
341 15 9 if $ir > 1
342 14 10 if $ic > 1
348 32 87 if ($rownum + $ir - 1 == 0 and ($args{'header_row'} // 0) > 0) { }
352 2 85 if $val
353 0 87 if $val
354 2 85 if $val
355 0 87 if $val
358 53 66 if $M < $rownum + $ir
365 17 36 if $N < $exptable_colnum
375 24 109 if _exptable_cell_is_tail($exptable_cell)
379 17 92 ref $cell eq 'HASH' ? :
383 10 0 if $$exptable_bottom_borders[$exptable_rownum + $_ - 1]
433 133 0 $exptable->[$_][$ic] ? :
454 36 17 unless $ir == 0
455 13 4 ($args{'header_row'} // 0) > 0 ? :
460 0 0 unless length $b_topleft or length $b_topline or length $b_topbetwcol or length $b_topright
463 23 17 $ic < $N - 1 ? :
466 21 2 $cell_right_has_content ? :
17 23 $ic == $N - 1 ? :
474 13 40 $ir == 0 && $args{'header_row'} ? :
485 109 24 if (_exptable_cell_is_head($cell))
499 53 80 if ($ic == $N - 1)
500 13 40 $ir == 0 && $args{'header_row'} ? :
512 17 36 unless $ir < $M - 1
513 5 31 unless $exptable_bottom_borders->[$ir]
519 0 0 unless length $b_betwrowleft or length $b_betwrowline or length $b_betwrowbetwcol or length $b_betwrowright
524 18 1 $args{'header_row'} < $ir + 1 ? :
12 19 $args{'header_row'} == $ir + 1 ? :
529 51 31 $ic < $N - 1 ? :
530 82 0 $ir < $M - 1 ? :
531 51 31 $ir < $M - 1 && $ic < $N - 1 ? :
534 31 51 if ($ic == 0)
535 4 27 _exptable_cell_is_rowspan_tail($cell_bottom) ? :
539 67 15 if (_exptable_cell_is_rowspan_head($cell_bottom))
544 31 51 if ($ic == $N - 1) { }
546 6 25 if (_exptable_cell_is_rowspan_tail($cell_bottom)) { }
553 10 41 if (_exptable_cell_is_colspan_tail($cell_right)) { }
554 5 5 if (_exptable_cell_is_colspan_tail($cell_rightbottom)) { }
555 5 0 if (_exptable_cell_is_rowspan_tail($cell_bottom)) { }
564 7 34 if (_exptable_cell_is_colspan_tail($cell_rightbottom)) { }
567 4 30 if (_exptable_cell_is_rowspan_tail($cell_bottom)) { }
6 24 elsif (_exptable_cell_is_rowspan_tail($cell_rightbottom)) { }
568 0 4 if (_exptable_cell_is_rowspan_tail($cell_rightbottom)) { }
589 36 17 unless $ir == $M - 1
590 0 17 $ir == 0 && $args{'header_row'} ? :
595 0 0 unless length $b_botleft or length $b_botline or length $b_botbetwcol or length $b_botright
598 23 17 $ic < $N - 1 ? :
600 4 19 _exptable_cell_is_colspan_tail($cell_right) ? :
17 23 $ic == $N - 1 ? :
608 373 1038 unless defined $_