Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 24 95.8

line true false branch
65 1 7 unless $args->{'files'}
80 2 9 if ($self->lowercase)
90 5 86 if $self->stopwords and grep {$stop->{$_};} split(/\s+/, $p, 0)
93 73 13 if $pat
97 19 67 unless @p == $size
100 0 67 if grep {$_ eq q['];} @p
102 17 50 if $self->lowercase
113 1 14 unless exists $self->counts->{$file} and exists $self->counts->{$file}{$phrase}
124 24 16 if exists $self->counts->{$file}{$phrase}
127 2 18 unless ($count)
139 6 8 unless $idf
153 4 4 if $seen{$phrase}++ or not defined $tfidf