Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 24 87.5

line true false branch
35 1105 7 if ($self->original)
55 0 1106 unless defined $original
58 2 1104 if $original =~ qr"[^\p{IsAlnum}\s:/\-.<>()]"
64 5 1099 if ($original =~ /^(XJH|XJS)$/)
77 0 1089 unless $1 and $2 and $4
83 21 1020 $6 ? :
48 1041 !$5 ? :
94 0 1137 ref $_[0] ? :
96 15 1122 if $self->agency =~ /^(?:XJH|XJS)$/
98 1045 77 $self->committee ? :
1053 69 $self->relatedseries ? :
107 1100 22 unless ($args{'class_stem'} or not $self->document)