Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 52 63.4

line true false branch
198 4 4 if (not ref $file) { }
4 0 elsif (ref $file eq 'GLOB') { }
199 0 4 unless open my $f, $file
236 0 60 if @_ % 2
239 18 42 unless $proto eq $class
242 38 22 if exists $$self{'attributes'}
244 8 52 if $$self{'tmpl'}
273 8 0 if ($tmpl and $syntax)
307 0 4 unless $$types{$type}
323 4 34 if ($type =~ /^\d+$/o) { }
328 0 34 unless $$types{$type}
342 5 33 if (defined $args and length $args)
366 1000 221 if $self->isa('Text::Scraper::Leaf')
369 0 221 unless $tmpl
372 4 217 unless $parent
387 434 833 if ($mod == 0)
389 238 196 if $symbols
392 50 1217 if $node->ignore
395 196 25 if $symbols
509 0 0 if $proto == $self
516 0 0 unless $val
518 0 0 if $val->isa('Text::Scraper::Conditional')
529 0 0 defined $$proto{$attr} ? :
0 0 defined $$proto{"\$$attr"} ? :
0 0 $attr == undef ? :
559 25 179 if (not $data) { }