Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 26 92.3

line true false branch
86 0 60 unless defined $top_level
93 132 15 defined $$line{'quoter'} ? :
94 101 46 if ($q eq $top_level) { }
40 6 elsif ($q =~ /^\Q$top_level\E./) { }
97 94 7 if exists $$line{'quoter'} or exists $$line{'empty'}
166 8 1 $quotechar ? :
186 25 10 ref $_ eq 'HASH' ? :
191 2 18 unless defined $text and length $text
203 19 107 if $line{'hang'}->empty and not $line{'text'} =~ /\S/
204 6 120 if $line{'text'} =~ /\A *$separator *\Z/o
213 69 39 if ($$line{'separator'} or $$line{'quoter'} ne $chunks[-1][-1]{'quoter'} or $$line{'empty'} or $chunks[-1][-1]{'empty'}) { }
232 92 34 if ($first or $$line{'quoter'} ne $paras[-1]{'quoter'} or $paras[-1]{'separator'}) { }
252 92 0 unless my $str = delete($$_{'hang'})->stringify